Calsep PVTsim Nova 3.0


PVTsim Nova is a versatile PVT simulation program developed by Calsep for reservoir engineers, flow assurance specialists, PVT lab engineers and process engineers. PVTsim Nova is an upgrade of the PVT simulation package PVTsim. PVTsim Nova complies to the standards of a modern .NET application ensuring full support from the Microsoft development platform. PVTsim has been used by leading oil producing and operating companies throughout the world. Based on an extensive data material collected over a period of more than 30 years, PVTsim Nova carries the information from experimental PVT studies into simulation software in a consistent manner and without losing valuable information on the way. PVTsim Nova allows reservoir engineers, flow assurance specialists and process engineers to combine reliable fluid characterization procedures with robust and efficient regression algorithms to match fluid properties and experimental data. The fluid parameters may be exported to produce high quality input data for reservoir, pipeline and process simulators. NEW FEATURES AND MODULES IN PVTSIM NOVA 3.0 FLUID HANDLING GC ANALYSIS INPUT Dedicated input option for GC analyses to C30+ or higher. Mole%’s or weight%’s of components and carbon number fractions including C7+ isomers can be input in the order reported in a standard PVT report along with C7+ MW and density. TBP ANALYSIS INPUT A TBP analysis can be input with measured weight% vs. temperature. PVTsim will convert it to a Plus Fluid and save it in the fluid database. CLEAN FOR MUD WITHOUT MUD COMPOSITION OBM cleaning option no longer requires input of a mud composition when reservoir or STO oil composition is given to at least C36+. ADD TO SINGLE FLUID EOS A Plus fluid can be characterized using the EoS model of an existing characterized fluid. It will create a common EoS group consisting of the two fluids. MODELS POLAR COMPONENT DROP DOWN MENU PVTsim supports Huron and Vidal (HV) and CPA as extensions to a cubic EoS for mixtures with polar component. A drop down menu has been introduced for choosing between HV, CPA and Classical. This is to visualize that a cubic EoS model developed for a reservoir fluid can still be used after adding water and other polar components and that the user can choose between the three Polar Comps models. ADDITIONAL MODULES SUPPORTING CPA MODEL Hydrate. Asphaltenes. ASPHALTENES FULL ASPHALTENE PHASE ENVELOPE For fluids containing asphaltene components it is possible to plot the full phase envelope and get a complete overview of which phases (gas, oil and asphaltene) are present in different PT regions. EMULSION VISCOSITY New option for calculating and plotting emulsion viscosities. INTERFACES OLGA & LEDA Flow Table limit extended from 50×50 to 200×200 points. PIPESIM Table limit extended from 20×20 to 50×50 points. ECLIPSE BLACK OIL Eclipse Black Oil keyword APIVD supported for tabulating API’s versus depth. SAPHIR Saphir interface extended to optionally output property tables in Petex format, which format can be read by Saphir. NEW UNISIM DESIGN. tNAVIGATOR.
